The iPad was once considered "advanced technology" and the iPod was too... I won't mess with them at all... I prefer to use Mikrotik network products, VMWare for virtualization, MS Server for Active Directory, Invid for cameras... but also run Ubuntu LAMP servers and Raspberry Pi for things too...
What good are we if what we build won't last? Lots of stuff we create, we also use on a daily basis. How else would we know it is quality? We run these solutions in our own personal environment too. Even our remote network solutions are put to the test in some amazing remote locations.
A friend called me up one night and asked if we could put a wireless network in a remote area that was miles from the nearest town... they wanted to host a motorsports event and stream it "live on facebook" Did it work? - it sure did, and that system has been duplicated at other locations since that event.
We are not like Verizon or Comcast. We dont hide behind the magic lady who makes you press 8 for english... then 1 for Sales, 2 for Billing, 3 for all other callers - then hangs up after 7 minutes of awful music. I am sure you despise having to listen to the same stupid song over and over for all that time to get disconnected... I do!
Frankly, Not everything that gets presented to us gets our attention... But what projects we take on - are making lives better every day. Sometimes I get calls or emails a year later saying how cool that solution works today...
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